Property/Land Sourcing

Property Sourcing Simplified:

We source properties, residential, commercial retail and warehouse units on behalf of buyers, then introduce them to sellers. Working hand in hand with investors, agents, developers auctioneers and solicitors.

Our property data software allows access to all both on and off market properties throughout the UK. The properties we source are generally 20%+ below market value. We are particularly interested in off market properties and developments. If you are a motivated seller looking a quick sale, we have cash buyers awaiting.



Key property investment statistics by postcode district. Data points such as prices, rents, demographics and market composition help you to choose an area that fits your investment profile.

Local Data:

Draw a custom area in any urban or suburban part of the UK and see instant analytics on Prices, £/sqft, Rents, Yields, Demograpics & much more. Find a custom area in any urban or suburban part of the UK and see instant analytics on Prices, £/sqft, Rents, Yields, Demograpics & much more.

Postcode Data:

Postcode data Comprehensive data updated daily showing key property investment statistics for all UK postcode districts.

Comprehensive data updated daily showing key property investment statistics for all UK postcode districts.

Yield hotspots: Using live market data to track where the postcode districts in the UK with the best rental yields.

National chart library: Charts on the national property market and economy.

 PropertyData browser extension adds live local property market data directly into listing pages on,, and

Construction cost: Building construction costs calculated by square foot or square metre in different UK regions with our cost data.

Council Tax index: Council Tax Index setting out the average Band D Council Tax rate in council areas around the UK.



Our real-time algorithms scour the market for recently repossessed and unmodernised properties (plus other development opportunities like plots with planning permission) around the country.

Source On-Market Property

Our algorithms scan the market daily for properties matching one of 36 different specific sourcing strategies.

Unmodernised: Over 45,000 properties to be extended, modernised or developed
Cash buyers only: Over 10,000 properties marketed for cash buyers only
Repossessed: Almost 2,500 properties for sale after repossession by the lender
Quick sale: Nearly 7,000  properties where the seller needs a quick sale
HMO Licensed: 4,826 HMO-licenced properties for sale
Price reduced: 26,000+ properties reduced by 15% or more since first listing
Two-three bed conversion: 39,994 two-to-three bed conversions
One-two bed conversions: 6,316 one-to-two bed conversions
Cheap £/sqft: 58,000 properties that are cheap on a £/sqft calculation
Land / plots: 14,452 land or building plots for sale
Investment portfolios: 1,379 investment portfolios containing three or more properties for sale
Mixed use: 7,775 properties with mixed residential and commercial use.
Large properties: 39,172 properties with an internal area of at least 2,500 sqft
Auction: 17,483 properties for sale by auction in the coming weeks
Slow to sell: 48,823 properties continuously marketed for more than 14 months
Suitable for splitting: 37,312 properties which may be suitable for splitting into multiple residences
Back on market: 16,231 properties back on the market after being removed
Short lease: 4,344 properties held on a leasehold with fewer than 80 years remaining
High yield: 14,718 properties for sale in known yield hotspots
Planning granted: 11,444 properties with planning permission granted
High rental demand: 24,924 properties for sale in high rental demand postcodes
Tenanted:11,458 properties for sale with tenants already in situ
On a corner plot:31,769 properties sited on a corner plot
Bungalow: 94,434 single-storey properties for sale
Chain free:213,143 properties for sale with no onwards transaction chain
With annexe: 29,492 properties for sale with an annexe
Good views: 23,933 properties with excellent views
Walking distance to town centre:51,197 properties within walking distance of town centre
Holiday lets:14,065 properties suitable for letting on a short-term holiday let basis
Georgian:5,488 period properties built during the Georgian period
High population growth: 75,741 properties for sale in an area with high 10-year population growth
Near a university: 21,096 properties walking distance from a university
New build: 29,100 newly built properties for sale
Near green space:67,694 properties for sale near a public green space
Near large development:42,499 properties for sale near a large development
Near great school: 8,814 properties walking distance from a great school


We identify properties that match your criteria from our database of all built properties, and then send letters to the owners automatically.

Letter sending

Filter all properties near a postcode by features, and automatically send large scale letter campaigns to find willing sellers.

Planning alerts

Create filtered email alerts for new planning applications in your preferred areas.

Titles by company

Find all the land titles that are owned by a particular company sourced by HM land Registry.

Begin your property sourcing journey with In-Ex by sending us your enquiry in the form below:

We require Loan Note Investors to provide further equity for the acquisition and development of sites that have beenidentified at a cost significantly lower than their market value.

View the full Brochure


Property data is the quickest way to compare properties in a given area. View clean, simple property reports to help determine whether a property you are looking at is correctly priced for sale or rent.

plot map


Plot maps: Beautiful high resolution maps of buildings and boundaries overlaid with market data, planning applications, listed buildings & more.



Valuation: Automated valuations for houses, flats, HMOs and even entire developments.



Comparables: A quick way to see sold price or rental comparables for any property.



Development calculator: Combines construction cost and £/sqft market data to find development profit. development calculator

Please send your enquiry via our contact page alternatively via our contact form below.